Thursday, December 2, 2010

Summerheat has posted another story I've written. This one's called "Summerheat" and it's named after a song by Au that you should listen to while you read it.

"Summerheat" is the basic idea of what the novel I'm writing is about. It's about a guy who wakes up one day with no trace left of the life he'd lived until then. All he's got is his car, a few changes of clothes, and a refund for everything he'd ever had. Unsatisfied with the way his life has gone up until now, he decides to set off and scour the country for the life that is perfect for him. He makes friends and enemies, he nearly dies several times, and at the end of the day, he learns a very valuable lesson!

Anyway, you should go to CommonCreativ and read it. THANKS.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Death vs. Eugene Merrimont

I wrote a story a week or two ago that has now appeared in CommonCreativ. You should go and read it.

What’s more creative than writing? To many Atlantans, the preferred form of expression is fiction writing, and we’ve found an emerging talent for you! Josh Nix is a funny guy bursting with talent and potential. He’s currently working on his first novel, and we’re hoping when he’s rich and famous, we’ll get an autographed copy of it (How ’bout it, Josh?)! Until then, here’s a little taste to show you what to expect from Nix, the next big name in fiction. - Scott Hurst

Thanks, Scott! I've never met you before, but I'm sure you're absolutely radical.
Honestly, this is a first for me. Not just being published somewhere, but having something so positive being written about me by a stranger. I like it!

Anyway, you should go and read the story at their website. And post a comment saying nice things, because then, maybe, they'll want me to write more!

Death vs. Eugene Merrimont (via CommonCreativ)